Important Dates

  • 9/12 - P.T.A. Skate Night @ 6:00
  • 9/16 - Mid-Quarter -Be on the lookout for a grade report
  • 9/29 - Character Assembly @ 3:00
  • 9/30 - Book Fair Begins
  • 10/6 - Grandparent's Night and Open House
  • 10/8 - P.T.A. Fall Rock and Run @ 4:00
  • 10/14 - End of 1st Quarter - Early out at 12:45
  • 10/17 - P.T.A. Moms, Mugs, and Muffins @ 9:00 a.m.
  • 10/18 and 10/20 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • 10/21 - Fall Parties
  • 10/28 - No School!!!!